A look at the eminence in Arnold Schwarzenegger's chart. This is an interesting case because when he relocated to Los Angeles, his chart pretty exactly flipped, from 16 Cancer Rising to 23 Capricorn. For stardom, you need not only a strong chart, but may also need a strong chart for the location in which you hope to find fame (in America, that means NY and LA).
We'll get to the relocation in a minute; let's look at his natal chart first (on the left). The Moon is far and away the most important planet, being not only the sect light (his is a night birth), but also the Chart Ruler and a singleton (only Earth), well-placed in the 7th house (interestingly, a Placidus placement is in the 6th house, of health; often the whole sign placement shows how strong a planet is, but a Placidus house can indicate the "flavor" of the planet, where it's felt). The Moon may be in Capricorn, but it's not weak; this sign puts it in its own triplicity (Earth), and being angular, but below the horizon, makes it powerful.
The other sect planets (and triplicity lords of the Moon) are Mars and Venus. Mars is in the 12th, which places it above the horizon but in a troublesome house, and Venus is in the 1st, loosely conjunct (and approaching) the Ascendant. It's very telling that he got his start in bodybuilding, which is basically a male beauty pageant. Jupiter and Saturn, the out of sect planets, are comfortably below the horizon, and Saturn being in Leo (a masculine sign) puts it more in sect than Jupiter. Saturn, while always a problem for night births, is less of one for him, and Mars shouldn't be too bad, despite its 12th house position.
His Parts of eminence are the Fortune at 19 Aquarius (8th house), Spirit at 13 Sagittarius (6th), Exaltation at 16 Scorpio (4th), and Basis at 22 Virgo (3rd). Only one in a traditional place of power: Exaltation.
Looking closer at the relationship between these Parts and their rulers is telling: Fortune may be in the 8th, but Spirit is in the 6th (the 11th house from Fortune, a powerful indicator of career success). Fortune's ruler, Saturn, makes a pretty close opposition to it, and angular aspects (conjunction/square/opposition) are good from Fortune to its ruler. Spirit's ruler, Jupiter, is in the 12th from it (bad), but Jupiter is itself conjunct Exaltation, very tightly (1 degree). Basis' ruler, Mercury, is sextile Basis from the 1st, indicating a great foundation, despite it being in the 3rd house. His family wasn't rich, but they clearly gave him a good basis. Only Exaltation's ruler is in a bad place: Mars in the 12th.
Also of note is his Mercury, which is a morning star in his chart, contrary to sect, and tightly conjunct the Ascendant, and in phasis (and Rejoicing in the 1st). Mercury is powerful, but his mouth has often got him in trouble (the nature of contrary planets). Much of his success in all his careers has been because of the systematic and intellectual way he approached them: his approach to bodybuilding was remarkably cerebral, and much scientific research since his prime has validated his theories as not simply "bro science."
Another couple of noteworthy features: he has zero retrogrades in his chart (even including Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), which can indicate a freedom from impediments or obstacles in life, and check out the 3 planets in Leo: Sun, Saturn, and Pluto. This is noteworthy because the will (Sun) is fused to discipline (Saturn) and Pluto (transformation). That describes his approach to his career very well. The fact that it's all been self-aggrandizing is from the Leonine influence. It should be noted that these planets so close to the Sun is considered a debility, as the Sun obscures them from view.
Now, to his relocation: this raises a very interesting question about if moving to a new place alters the sect of a chart, as his goes from night to day. Saturn and Jupiter are now more greatly behaved (and Saturn is in hayz), with Jupiter closely conjunct the Midheaven. An actor needs all the luck they can get, even if they're already famous as a bodybuilder.
Further changes: Mercury becomes better behaved, being no longer contrary, but still below the horizon, so it's not a huge improvement, while Venus stays the same. The Moon and Mars stay similar in condition, but Mars is now in the 6th house, its traditional Joy.
I can see two schools of thought for how the Parts shift with relocation: either they stay the same by sign, and just move to a new house, like planets, OR you re-calculate them in view of the new Ascendant (which will keep them in the same house, typically, but different signs; why you can't move Fortune by traveling on your birthday, you can only pick a better ruler for it). If we do the first method, his Fortune goes to house 2 (Saturn in 8th), Spirit to 12 (Jupiter in 11th), Exaltation to 11 (Mars in 6th), and Basis to 9 (which wouldn't make sense; Basis should always be below the horizon, like a foundation).
Recalculating them, however, gives Fortune in 21 Gemini, 6th house (Mercury in 7th), Spirit in Leo, 8th (Sun in 8th; much better than the already okay birth relationship), Exaltation at about 6 Libra, 10th (Venus in 7th; very powerful, because the 7th is the 10th house from Exaltation). In his case, Fortune and Spirit switch places by house because the chart goes from night to day, and the parts use the same formula, but flipped based on sect (ASC + Moon - Sun for day, ASC + Sun - Moon for night; Spirit is opposite). Similarly, Exaltation shifts because it's also sect-based: ASC + 19 Aries - Sun for day, ASC + 3 Taurus - Moon for night.
Overall, based on the outcome of his life, I'm inclined to think relocation should involve a recalculation of the Parts. For most people, this will result in a mild shift, because most don't move from where they were born far enough to shift the chart's sect nature. For those born at dawn or dusk, however, it should be considered important.
Oh, one more thing: the most important triplicity in his chart is Water, where his Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, ASC, MC, and Exaltation are found. The first triplicity lord is Mars, the second is Venus, and the assistant is the Moon. Mars rules the first half of his life, Venus the 2nd, and Moon assists throughout. His Venus is vastly better than his Mars, which needs a lot of assistance from that very important Moon. His first big movie role was Conan the Barbarian, in 1982. He was 35, which could easily be at a time when Venus had taken over the rulership duties. His best paychecks came in the early to mid 90s, a decade in which he turned 43 in 1990.
nly a strong chart, but may also need a strong chart for the location in which you hope to find fame (in America, that means NY and LA).
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