A more positive example of a chart featuring prominence, and tragic death, Amy Winehouse. The only celebrity death I've ever felt really touched by (not even Prince, despite him being far more of an idol to me). Winehouse was a night birth, with Gemini Rising, so both the Moon and Mercury are very relevant.
Moon is at 0 Capricorn, debilitated, 8th house, but in hayz and in its own triplicity (Earth, primary ruler). Its other triplicity lords are Venus in the 3rd house, Leo, retrograde, and pretty badly out of sect (though it should be noted Venus, being so close to the Sun, is almost never truly in sect). Mars is tightly conjoined Venus, and identically situated. The Moon (an indicator of health) in the 8th, being its own primary triplicity lord (the first half of life) is right there a sign of poor longevity, though it is at least in hayz and thus relatively well-behaved (and sextiled by its ruler in the 11th sign from it).
Mercury is an interesting one: 23 Virgo, retrograde AND combust, but both exalted and domicile, in the 4th house, an evening star (but below horizon). That is very mixed in dignity: very powerful, fairly in-sect, but also retrograde and combust. Notably, both the Sun and it are tightly squaring both ends of the Nodes. Medieval astrologers interpreted planets in this position ("at the bends" is the term I think I've heard) as highly significant to the life's purpose. Hitler, notably, had Uranus tightly squaring both nodal ends. The Sun and Mercury are rather more positive than Uranus, to say the least.
To the day planets: Jupiter is in the 7th, and below the horizon, and in its own sign of Sagittarius, making it pretty well behaved and powerful. Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th is the only Water planet, making it very focused upon, and being the out-of-sect malefic in the 6th house makes it a pretty negative influence. Notably, the 6th is the house of disease and injury. Saturn is the planet of depression. Notably, Saturn also ruled her MC, in Aquarius, 9th house.
Notably, all 3 outer planets are also emphasized in her chart, especially Pluto, in the 5th house (creative self-expression), being the only planet in an Air sign. Uranus and Neptune are both in the 7th, with Neptune loosely conjunct the Descendant, Uranus a little more loosely. Neptune is also conjunct the South Node (the things that hold us back), though that's not a very personal aspect, and only of significance since Neptune itself is angular.
To the Parts: Fortune at 8 Pisces, in the 10th house, with Jupiter in the 7th, making Jupiter (in domicile and angular) in Fortune's 10th house position. Spirit is at 26 Virgo, 4th house, closely conjunct both Sun and Mercury, its ruler, and also squaring both Nodes. Exaltation at 15 Aquarius is tightly conjunct the MC in the 9th, with Saturn again in the 10th house position from it, but in the 6th. Saturn helps Exaltation and Career, while being a mostly negative influence on her health (6th). This is why I love derived houses: a planet can be shown to be assisting one part of the horoscope while also being negative in general.
Her Part of Eros (Love) also served as the Basis in her chart, at 29 Scorpio, in the 6th house, ruled by Mars in Leo, 3rd house (also 10th from it). Her Basis was in a very bad house, showing poor foundations in her life. When she was a huge public spectacle, I often felt her parents' sanctimonious concern for her health was a sort of Munchausen by proxy syndrome, where parents poison their kids so they can get the attention from being such concerned parents. This isn't proof of it, by any means, but I expect her upbringing was part of the problem. Eros being the Basis in the 6th implies her foundation in life was love as a disease. Notably, it was her husband that introduced her to crack and other fun things. Pluto singleton in the 5th (Venus' Joy) reinforces this, and that Saturn singleton sharing the house doesn't help.
So we have somebody with strong Parts of Eminence, especially in relation to one another and their rulers, with all 3 outer planets (especially Pluto) strongly placed. That's somebody that can succeed and really capture the public imagination. She did.
So why did she die so young? There's a LOT of negative indicators for life expectancy and health here: Chiron in the 1st, Moon in the 8th, as sect light AND its own primary triplicity lord, debilitated, and the nebulous condition of her Mercury (chart ruler), which was also primarily ruled by the Moon in the first half of the life. Neither was receiving very good support from Mars, their assistant triplicity lord.
Another point of concern is that Jupiter, Fortune's lord (ruling health in general) is in the 7th house, and had just fallen below the horizon pretty shortly before her birth. See my analysis of Kurt Cobain for more on the Descended position. The 6th house from Fortune (Leo) contains Mars and Venus, neither of which are in that good a position. The 8th (Libra) is...Pluto, as a singleton. That said, Jupiter is very strong and in its own sign, so I don't think it was that bad. Uranus and Neptune in the 7th, however, are additional negative factors. Uranus brings the sudden and unexpected, and Neptune involves drugs and the desire for escape.
Interestingly, an additional indicator I see in her listing of Arabic Parts: the Part of Anareta ("killer," I think): it's calculated ASC + Moon - Ruler of ASC, which makes sense to me as an indicator of health. Hers is 2 degrees from Fortune, in the 10th. What gave her fortune (and a career) also killed her.
Finally, I should observe her two singletons are inherently worrisome: Saturn and Pluto are not pleasant planets, and Saturn's position, as noted, was in the 6th. That's really not good. I should say that my usage of singletons is also completely non-traditional: it's a 20th century technique, but one that I think is indispensable and fundamental to my method. I might be a Neo-Classicalist, but I'm not a dogmatic.
Moon is at 0 Capricorn, debilitated, 8th house, but in hayz and in its own triplicity (Earth, primary ruler). Its other triplicity lords are Venus in the 3rd house, Leo, retrograde, and pretty badly out of sect (though it should be noted Venus, being so close to the Sun, is almost never truly in sect). Mars is tightly conjoined Venus, and identically situated. The Moon (an indicator of health) in the 8th, being its own primary triplicity lord (the first half of life) is right there a sign of poor longevity, though it is at least in hayz and thus relatively well-behaved (and sextiled by its ruler in the 11th sign from it).
Mercury is an interesting one: 23 Virgo, retrograde AND combust, but both exalted and domicile, in the 4th house, an evening star (but below horizon). That is very mixed in dignity: very powerful, fairly in-sect, but also retrograde and combust. Notably, both the Sun and it are tightly squaring both ends of the Nodes. Medieval astrologers interpreted planets in this position ("at the bends" is the term I think I've heard) as highly significant to the life's purpose. Hitler, notably, had Uranus tightly squaring both nodal ends. The Sun and Mercury are rather more positive than Uranus, to say the least.
To the day planets: Jupiter is in the 7th, and below the horizon, and in its own sign of Sagittarius, making it pretty well behaved and powerful. Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th is the only Water planet, making it very focused upon, and being the out-of-sect malefic in the 6th house makes it a pretty negative influence. Notably, the 6th is the house of disease and injury. Saturn is the planet of depression. Notably, Saturn also ruled her MC, in Aquarius, 9th house.
Notably, all 3 outer planets are also emphasized in her chart, especially Pluto, in the 5th house (creative self-expression), being the only planet in an Air sign. Uranus and Neptune are both in the 7th, with Neptune loosely conjunct the Descendant, Uranus a little more loosely. Neptune is also conjunct the South Node (the things that hold us back), though that's not a very personal aspect, and only of significance since Neptune itself is angular.
To the Parts: Fortune at 8 Pisces, in the 10th house, with Jupiter in the 7th, making Jupiter (in domicile and angular) in Fortune's 10th house position. Spirit is at 26 Virgo, 4th house, closely conjunct both Sun and Mercury, its ruler, and also squaring both Nodes. Exaltation at 15 Aquarius is tightly conjunct the MC in the 9th, with Saturn again in the 10th house position from it, but in the 6th. Saturn helps Exaltation and Career, while being a mostly negative influence on her health (6th). This is why I love derived houses: a planet can be shown to be assisting one part of the horoscope while also being negative in general.
Her Part of Eros (Love) also served as the Basis in her chart, at 29 Scorpio, in the 6th house, ruled by Mars in Leo, 3rd house (also 10th from it). Her Basis was in a very bad house, showing poor foundations in her life. When she was a huge public spectacle, I often felt her parents' sanctimonious concern for her health was a sort of Munchausen by proxy syndrome, where parents poison their kids so they can get the attention from being such concerned parents. This isn't proof of it, by any means, but I expect her upbringing was part of the problem. Eros being the Basis in the 6th implies her foundation in life was love as a disease. Notably, it was her husband that introduced her to crack and other fun things. Pluto singleton in the 5th (Venus' Joy) reinforces this, and that Saturn singleton sharing the house doesn't help.
So we have somebody with strong Parts of Eminence, especially in relation to one another and their rulers, with all 3 outer planets (especially Pluto) strongly placed. That's somebody that can succeed and really capture the public imagination. She did.
So why did she die so young? There's a LOT of negative indicators for life expectancy and health here: Chiron in the 1st, Moon in the 8th, as sect light AND its own primary triplicity lord, debilitated, and the nebulous condition of her Mercury (chart ruler), which was also primarily ruled by the Moon in the first half of the life. Neither was receiving very good support from Mars, their assistant triplicity lord.
Another point of concern is that Jupiter, Fortune's lord (ruling health in general) is in the 7th house, and had just fallen below the horizon pretty shortly before her birth. See my analysis of Kurt Cobain for more on the Descended position. The 6th house from Fortune (Leo) contains Mars and Venus, neither of which are in that good a position. The 8th (Libra) is...Pluto, as a singleton. That said, Jupiter is very strong and in its own sign, so I don't think it was that bad. Uranus and Neptune in the 7th, however, are additional negative factors. Uranus brings the sudden and unexpected, and Neptune involves drugs and the desire for escape.
Interestingly, an additional indicator I see in her listing of Arabic Parts: the Part of Anareta ("killer," I think): it's calculated ASC + Moon - Ruler of ASC, which makes sense to me as an indicator of health. Hers is 2 degrees from Fortune, in the 10th. What gave her fortune (and a career) also killed her.
Finally, I should observe her two singletons are inherently worrisome: Saturn and Pluto are not pleasant planets, and Saturn's position, as noted, was in the 6th. That's really not good. I should say that my usage of singletons is also completely non-traditional: it's a 20th century technique, but one that I think is indispensable and fundamental to my method. I might be a Neo-Classicalist, but I'm not a dogmatic.
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